A ART2月廣告稿.jpg  

還是”? 亞洲當代藝術群展

Words or Words? – Asian Contemporary Group Exhibition






Words or Works? – Asian Contemporary Group Exhibition


In the past year, the conceptual topic of integration of emerging Asian arts in the Asia art scene has been discussed extensively by the media press in countries all over Asia. All you have read and heard is around this hot topic. The issues and “words” generated from this topic also verified from the two major auction houses; this further attracts attention to this issue in a greater depth which made this issue even more internationalize. In today’s information explosion world allows a platform for Asia countries to exchange information simultaneously. In this sense, it is very interesting to found that as “words” spreads, art “works” also spreads!


In this very moment, we decided to put together an Asian Contemporary Group Exhibition to echo with this topic and brought it to viewers’ attention and hopefully to generate deeper thoughts and discussions. We have especially chosen to exhibit art works from artists with different culture backgrounds who have great visibility in the Asia art scene. Artists name will not be listed accordingly as numerous artists’ work will be exhibited in this exhibition. Let’s wait and see how artists and viewers compose a rhapsody derived between “words” and “works!”



展覽名稱:      還是”? – 亞洲當代藝術群展

Words or Works? -- Asian Contemporary Group Exhibition

展覽日期:        2.7.2009 ~ 3.31.2009

Exhibition Duration:    2.7.2009 ~ 3.31.2009

酒會時間:        3:00pm Sat. 2.7.2009

Reception: 3:00pm Sat. 2.7.2009


11073台灣 台北市信義區仁愛路4段436號1F     TEL:+886 2 87806878    FAX:+886 2 87890799
1F.,No.436, Dec. 4, Ren Ai Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei City 11073, Taiwan R.O.C

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